God bless drugs…

I named this blog Yeah, Science! because I am constantly impressed by the miracles science is able to achieve; it got me pregnant (thanks for nothing, temperature charting and raspberry leaf tea!), and now it’s totally keeping me pregnant. I was predicting, after the blood pressure ordeal, to have to deliver a pre-term baby — but then I started taking one tiny little pill, twice a day, and now I’m coasting along merrily toward the 38-week mark. As with nearly all phases of infertility, it was a moment of hurry-up-and-wait — there were about three days of MANIC rushing around, getting work stuff finished, getting the basement functioning again, assembling the nursery, installing the car seat, cancelling all social commitments, etc., and then each day allowed us to get more done, and then all of a sudden it occurred to us that we mighhhhhht just be ready for this kid to arrive. Like, now. How do I know that it’s officially time for baby? Well, mostly because my time on bed rest has transitioned from meeting deadlines and making calls to insurance adjustors to surfing the web for cute squirrel-themed artwork on Etsy and knitting pumpkin cozies. I mean seriously — I am knitting. sweaters. for. pumpkins.


Some of you asked a while ago for nursery pics. I must warn, once again, that we are not one of those couples who just happened to have a spare room with white walls, ie. a blank canvas simply waiting to be attacked with tasteful Amy Butler fabrics and pastel bunting that spells out the baby’s name and mammoth gliders with matching ottomans. We also had a budget of, like, nothing. Therefore, consider this a warning for the images you are about to see. There is an orange wall. There is a green wall. There is deer wallpaper. There are paint-by-numbers. It’s basically the same ’60s cottage kitsch theme I had for my office. Also, you will note that we still don’t have a proper change table — this is because I continue to suffer PTSD from trying to source a changing pad that isn’t a) pastel coloured or terrycloth; b) $100; or c) bigger than the top of our dresser. Hence, we’ve got a sad, folded-up towel sitting there for now. Oh, and yes, those are two electrical sockets right above this area — we still need covers for those, of course. And yes, the monitor is currently affixed to the crib; it will be relocated to the window ledge eventually. Please don’t call Children’s Aid just yet — I promise we’ll get around to ironing out these details.

Anyway, here’s what things look like so far:


Note the stack of cloth diapers… scary, I know.


The IKEA Poang rocker… sans ottoman, but maybe one day.


Changing area with My Brest Friend. The watercolour depicts a radish because this was our nickname for baby (it came about whenever he was the “size of a radish”, according to our pregnancy app). This area is a bit sparse, obvy, and I also feel like we’re low on the product side of things — you can see we have baby powder and zinc cream and wipes, but should I be getting arnica? And vitamin D drops? And anything else?


Laundry hamper and our designer tote diaper bag.

All I can say is, this kid better have a fondness for retro decor… otherwise he’s gonna be all, “I think my stork got the wrong address, yo!”

Thanks for hanging in here with me in this final stretch — and let me know if I’m missing anything obvious in the nursery, or if you’ve got any tips for enduring another week of bed rest (now that Breaking Bad is over, there’s a major hole in my life. Don’t be surprised if we reveal the name of our son to be Jesse Pinkman).

22 thoughts on “God bless drugs…

  1. I like it ! Definitely not a “cookie cutter” design. One one thing came to mind, if the baby is going to be sleeping in the crib when quite young, you can position the mattress higher…its easier on your back.

  2. I actually think this nursery is bad ass. it is really well put together and adorable. I laughed at the mammoth size glider comment. so true! I got the smallest glider I could find, sans ottoman too.
    I have a changing pad but have never used it. always changed her on a towel on the bathroom counter. come to think of it, never changed her from the side.. always straight on. hmmm but yeahhhh science!!!

  3. I love that your nursery isn’t typical…I would say that deer wallpaper is hipster-approved (even though I’m assuming that wasn’t your intention). It’s very “now.”

    Ugh, I also feel like my life is over now that BB ended. We left off the TV for a solid week after, almost in a period of mourning. Nothing will ever be that good again. I fully support you naming the bebe Jesse Pinkman.

    I’m really, really, REALLY excited for you. It’s so soon! Gah!

  4. Dang, so you mean I didn’t win the baby pool? Ah well. I absolutely LOVE the retro deer hunter decor. Reminds me of my parents cottage circa 1981. You just need to finish the walls in solid pine paneling and you’ll be all set. Baby Jesse Pinkman (seriously, why have we not been using this all along??) is one lucky kid.

  5. Things that are awesome: drugs, science, Breaking Bad, reaching full term and being “ready,” and… that freakin nursery! Your baby will love it, too! Or, more importantly, you will love your baby so much it won’t matter which decade or forest friends are represented in your nursery decor! From where I sit (admittedly on my mammoth rocker with my daughter at 4am), all that’s missing is the little one!

  6. This is adorable! I have the same Brest Friend…it’s the BEST! Tip though…some of the colour from the cover rubbed off on my very best fancy maternity sweat pants so wash it a few times!

  7. Love the nursery! Especially the colours.

    And I’m really glad to know I’m not the only one suffering from serious Breaking Bad withdrawal. I thought I was seriously losing my mind, mourning a television show like I would a relative or a beloved pet! I’m so relieved that the Walking Dead is back on Sunday- I need the distraction!

  8. Better living through chemistry :)
    But seriously, great that you’re getting to 38 weeks, that’s awesome! I love your nursery, especially the mobile, where did you find that? We’ll (hopefully!!) be dealing with a similar situation – white walls, but we’re not allowed to paint them, and not much of a budget to speak of. I love your Poang (especially with that fabric!), shame my husband thinks it takes up too much space…

  9. So happy for you the drugs are keeping things in check! And I love that you are feeling ready for baby — that is so awesome. Also, I never got around to commenting because I’m the worst, but I was super impressed in your last past at how calm and go-with-the-flow you sounded. Such a great approach if you can manage it!

    I’m totally considering a woodland theme for our nursery, so I fully support your nursery style.

    Finally, I have not watched Breaking Bad (I know, I’m part of the .02% of people who haven’t), but we started watching Ray Donovan recently, and that is pretty intense! If you need a new TV addiction.

  10. i think your nursery is awesome. For real awesome (but you know how I roll, all “don’t theme me, people.” ps… our nursery still isn’t done, because A) my husband is terrified of electrocuting himself and is waiting for his pops to come help him change out the outlets to white ones, and B) he also is too lazy to put the GD bookshelf together himself. it’s from Ikea for the love, it can’t be that hard!! Hence the lack of “our finished nursery posts.” and by now, Jackson’s probably pee’d on the walls, so, it’s not quite so “new” anymore :)

    the contoured changing pad is awesome, and cheap, in my humble opinion. amazon it.

  11. I love that your nursery isn’t typical, and I love the little radish photo :)

    Also, LOVE that you are cloth diapering. I definitely plan to do that too. I’ve already started looking into which day cares (if any) around here accept cloth diapers!

  12. So cute! Just a heads up, the best diaper cream evah is called Punkin Butt (or maybe pumpkin butt, can’t quite recall…) its awesome, organic, and safe to use with clothies – which most diaper creams are not. Cloth diapering is the best btw. And my poang was the most comfortable baby chair there was but I would recommend the ottoman. Or a nursing stool. It makes nursing way more comfortable. Congrats on making it to 38 weeks!

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